#UKRSCO: Invitation to fans and TASA supporters
With the upcoming UEFA Nations League match between Ukraine and Scotland being held in Krakow next Tuesday, September 27th, we at Dragoons FC – Krakow’s Expat Football Club – would like to share our support to the fantastic initiative that the Tartan Army Sunshine Appeal have been doing since 2003.
As many of our supporters will know, we were personally affected by the events that unfolded in Ukraine and saw two of our players directly impacted. Since then we have been supporting the cause to help as many innocent civilians as we can.
Who are the TASA?
The Tartan Army Sunshine Appeal (Registered Scottish Charity SC041455) is the longest established charity funded by Scottish football fans. It has the aim to make a donation to identified children’s charities in every country in which the Scottish National Football Team play their matches. Since their first donation in Lithuania in 2003, this has been achieved – uninterrupted. An amazing feat when you consider the events over the last few years.
Who are the TASA supporting?
Since the outbreak of the war, Scotland football fans, via their charity, have been helping the Dzherelo Rehabilitation Center in the western Ukrainian city of Lviv. This organisation offers educational and rehabilitation services to children and youth with Cerebral Palsy, Down Syndrome, Autism, as well as other developmental disorders.
Since starting their relief fund back in March, in just 6 months Scottish football fans have donated over £9,000 (roughly 400,900UAH) to assist them during these dark and troubling times.
As their attention has turned to the Ukraine vs Scotland football match on September 27th, the Tartan Army Sunshine Appeal will be making their 92nd consecutive donation to help the children at Bebiko («БебіКо»), an organisation located at the city of Ternopil – close to Lviv – which has links to Dzherelo.
Bebiko (which translates as “baby”) is a non-profit organisation set up in 2010 that offers assistance to children aged 2 to 5 years old who are affected with Down-Syndrome. The 60 children that are registered with Bebiko get the full benefits of assisting them with integration and socialisation skills, giving them the opportunity to fully function in day to day life as they reach adulthood, as well as do away with the stigma that people may have of people with Down-Syndrome.
What can you do?
We invite any fans travelling across for the Ukraine vs Scotland match to come along to Club Jaszczury (Klub Pod Jaszczurami) and donate some physical items, which will all make their way to Bebiko in Ternopil.
They will be hosting two events. The first being the traditional Tartan Army “Nicht Afore” party on Monday, September 26th, from 20:00 to 4:00. The second being the Pre-Match Event on Tuesday, September 27th, from 14:00 to 20:00. Hosts Tam and Ted will entertain the Tartan Army as well as our Polish and Ukrainian hosts (and indeed anybody who enjoys a party!), and make the presentation to Bebiko.
Admission to these events will cost 6 euros in advance from Ted at fwg@tedchristopher.scot.
We are asking any fans wishing to donate to please keep it simple, as all they are looking for is donations of small everyday things like colouring books (for children and teenagers) and colour pencils/sharpeners/erasers/pens.
Please be aware that these children will have no understanding of English, so try and keep donations as universal as possible.
Dragoons vs Bratniak
We would like to extend an invite to all Tartan Army supporters who will be venturing over for the Ukraine vs Scotland match, to join the stands at the Dragoons vs Bratniak game on Sunday, September 25th at KS Prądniczanka Kraków. Kickoff is at 13:00.

With players and staff from over 20 countries, Krakow Dragoons FC is a social platform that helps expats living in Krakow to integrate and embrace the local culture. The first foreign founded, multinational football club competing in the Polish league system, was recently promoted to A Klasa after an unbeaten season to secure the title.
We hope to see you there on Sunday!